
Sunday, 6 February 2011

Blog Review: Beautiful Blog. - Beautiful Photography; Jenny Vorwaller.
Layout & Design:
The layout for this blog is totally relevant with the blog. Large title for the blog with no capitalization, & it’s plain, dull, which kind of relates back to the photos Jenny mostly blogs. Most posted material, somehow always relates to love some how or another, whether its photography, text, or typography on a photograph.. The layout is simple, plain repeated background, with a huge white strip going down through the blog (for the posts to appear on), with a slight backdrop shadow.
Design & Content:
Her posts are normally just photographs, which huge meanings, of which I’m guessing have no official set-up, just a simple, ‘you stand there & i’ll take a picture’ picture.. Theres some typography thrown in now & again by Jenny, but not too often. Her own work is often reblogged by other bloggers, so it not only captures thee eye of photographers, but just bloggers in general.
Work is evenly spaced which doesn’t normally work with alot of blogs, but fortunately enough it does with Jenny.

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