
Sunday, 6 February 2011

Exibition Review: Restless Times- Unnamed Piece.

Untitled piece from ‘The Restless Times.’
This piece had no description, so my own interpretation would be as follows:
It represents members of goverment, or someone high up in the political chain, with a gas mask to represent some sort of self inflicted mahem which the high ‘authoirty’ always seem to inflict upon them selves.
Using such colours as it does, could control that the problem is nothing major, and yet they’re using such defense as a gas mask, to keep themselves, but no one else away from any sort of danger, that being no one else is in the picture with him. Using a none detailed mask or drawing the mask, maybe recognizing a simple minded thought towards the ‘high authoritied’ person wearing the mask. Having a huge mouth piece of the gas mask representing they have big mouths, maybe not literally but in sarcasm terms, when yet in real life, a gas masks mouth peice is no bigger than what an actual mouth is.

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