
Sunday, 6 February 2011

Blog Review: Doodle Blog. - Doodlebook; Doodle Guys.
Content & posted blogs:
Doodlebook tumblr blog literally posts stuff of doodles.. Most of Doodlebooks’ text posts, if any, are mostly quotes, then labbelled where it’s from.. He/ She/ They tend to go ‘picture post’, then ‘text post’, then ‘picture post’, ‘text post’ and so on & so fourth.. But sometimes not always stick to that pattern. They have previously posted pictures, that are just complete & utter random stuff. That are made with no meaning, no title, no nothing.. Yet somehow, more or less every doodle that gets posted has so much meaning coming out of them, regardless if the doodle was made for that. The meaning I’m talking about is a visual kind of meaning? If that has a name I have no idea, but still, the meaning comes from what you see, & yet somehow so much meaning is packed in every doodle posted on there.
Back to what their blogs are all about, Doodlebook has no particular base to work from, but then again, having nothing in particular to post about is completely relvant on whatever you post.
Design & Layout:
I personally love Doodlebooks background for this blog, mainly because it was more than likely made by the creators of Doodlebook, & also because it’s just, exactly spot on relevant. It’s so irresponsibly placed & randomly spread that it makes it perfect for the blog, & for my own personal judgment. Overall I think the layout is great to be fair, with the officialized logo/ title placed at the top, & the dates of posts on the top left hand side of every post. I also really like the black & white theme/ artwork thats used mostly throughout Doodlebooks blog. This blog has deffinately helped me have more ideas and plans for my own blog, & hopefully I will start to work on soon.

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